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DESCRIPTION The deltoid muscle consists of three fasciculi:
The shoulder joint is complex and highly special since it is attached to the chest by the deltoid, pectoral, dorsal and trapezius muscles alone. The deltoid participates in all arm movements.
Consequently, when you are lying down to work the pectorals, the anterior fasciculi will automatically be worked.
When you are sitting down and lifting a load with the arms above your head, then it is the lateral fasciculi which will be worked.
The same applies when your are sitting down and pulling on a low pulley, the posterior fasciculi will work with your dorsal muscles.
WORKING METHOD It will therefore be difficult to isolate the work of the various deltoid fasciculi, apart from a few rare exercises.
It will automatically be associated with either the pectorals, the dorsals or the triceps for seated presses.

It will therefore be difficult to execute a session on the shoulders alone.
This is why I have always privileged work in "geographic regions".
In other words, associate the anterior and lateral shoulders with the pectorals and the triceps.
The posterior shoulders with the dorsals and the biceps.
SPECIFIC EXERCISES. The few specific movements concerning the various deltoid fasciculi could, for exercises not using pulleys, include:

ANTERIOR SHOULDERS     (SEE: Anatomy / position)






Demonstrations of these exercises can be found on the site on the shoulders page.

One exercise is not included in the demonstrations proposed:
            The MILITARY PRESS.
An article is dedicated to it alone.