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The whole session can be broken down into three sets of exercises, to be attempted one after another, without a break in between.
You can take a break to recover after the first circuit.
It is possible to work both with dumbbells or a straight bar (or Larry Scott).
It is also possible tochange the weights used from one exercise to the next – as long as the time taken doesn't turn into a break.


It is important that you avoid swinging the upper part of the body during this movement.
To do this, you should :
Put one leg in front of the other, or,
Press yourself against a wall. In the latter case, both feet are level, the knees should be slightly flexed to help you move your pelvis.
Carry out 8 to 15 repetitions.
Even if it seems easy the first time round, think of the next two attempts to follow.


Don’t change your basic positioning.
One leg in front of the other, or pressed against a wall.
8 to 15 repetitions without a pause after the first movement.
Things are getting serious now, you can, if you need to, put down your dumbbells for as long as it takes you to pick up a different weight - then carry on.


It is important that you avoid swinging the upper part of the body during this movement.
To do this, you should :
Put one leg in front of the other, or,
Press yourself against a wall. In the latter case, both feet are level, the knees should be slightly flexed to help you move your pelvis.
Carry out 8 to 15 repetitions.
It's becoming too difficult to continue?
That’s the reason it’s important to start the exercise carefully!

You can also use a bar or a bar hammer.

Barre hammer.