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That's it, you are now about to start the true bodybuilding training.
The instructions are the same as before, but we are adding work with heavy weights.

You can train 3 to 5 times a week.
CYCLE The work cycle is based on 12 weeks.
Two weeks working at an average and progressive rate.
1 week of heavy work:
    For all your exercises, warm up on the movement before carrying out the heavy workouts (1 to 5 repetitions).

    The shorter your series,
    the more you need to increase the recuperation time.

    Example: 1 repetition = 5 min recuperation

    Since the work is harder than during the previous weeks, you may need to remove some exercises from the session.

    After these 12 weeks, change your exercises. However, you can either keep the basic exercises or a movement that you really enjoy.

    Do not always carry out the same routine, the muscle must always be surprised.
PROGRESS You can now fly with your own wings.
For example, try the same cycle as above, but over 9 weeks, removing an average week.

You must monitor the progress of your physique and adapt your training to your temperament, your free time, your lifestyle and your objectives.

There are no fixed rules, everything goes as long as you make progress.
A particular program may be suitable for 6 months, but not worth doing afterwards.

The only rule to observe:


Sport must elevate Man, not destroy him.