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Numerous beginners visit the site.
Before becoming fully independent, and if you cannot or do not want to train in a fitness club, I have prepared a series of programmes for you.

Carefully read the tips given with the programmes.

  • Do not cut corners.
  • Progress slowly.
  • Training, dietetics and recuperation are indissociable.
  • Adapt the training to your lifestyle.
  • If you are not satisfied with one technique, choose another.
  • This champion trains like this... true, but you are only a beginner!
  • Do not take any miracle products.
  • You will never find an athlete, in any activity, spontaneously admitting that he takes anything but proteins, amino acids, pasta, rice, potatoes, eggs, 0% white cream cheese and water.
    If these products were sufficient, we would all have our photographs in bodybuilding magazines.

  • Go to the programme menu