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Not everyone wants to pump iron!
Many of you want to lose weight.
Nothing better than doing a little cardio-training,
if only for your health.


Obviously, it is the most sold, purchased, used, etc.
You will not find anything better to regulate your effort, to avoid shocks,
it is not traumatising for the spine.

Preferably, choose one with an electromagnetic brake.
Or at least one with a large inertia wheel and a belt which rubs on it.
Avoid rollers which rest on the wheel:
Disastrous and uncomfortable.

Read in "Preconceived ideas", the article on bicycles.
The run trainer.

Run trainer.
Very useful for people who need to walk.
Generally more expensive than a bicycle.

If you have enough space, it is nice to be able to change equipment regularly, switching between bicycle, run trainer and Healthrider below.

I have a slight preference for this type of equipment.

It remains complementary to the bicycle but can be used to work the back, biceps and thighs efficiently.

If you turn your feet outwards, you can even exercise the adductors a little!

I much prefer it to the traditional rowing machines, especially since you can add extra weights.
In addition, it is completely silent and reliable.