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We will add, as time goes by,
a few little accessories.
The list is not exhaustive.

Weighted soles.

Very useful to work the glutei,
the hamstrings and the adductors.
The mat.

Essential for floor work.
The hammer bar.

Hammer bar.
Combined with the EZ bar
it is still very useful when working the arms or doing the pull over.
The belt.

I am against it!
In my opinion, it is better to learn how to place the spine correctly and strengthen the vertebral muscles, rather than place trust in hypothetical safety offered by the belt.

This conviction applies to beginners and people working with humanly reasonable weights.
This statement is not intended for weightlifters.

If you are trained and if you are doing the squat correctly with 150 - 200 kg, wear a belt!
However, doing your entire workout with a tight belt around the stomach does not make sense, you are considerably reducing the work of the abdominal muscles during many exercises.