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between series.


and weights.

Something to think about.






The theme of this page is based on the following histogram.

Age histogram.

My apologies to the ladies, but this page is mainly intended for men, or rather for males of all ages.
I am not responsible for this situation,
but 70 % of the people visiting the site are men.


      This histogram is produced using the statistics of the WEBORAMA which examines the site every day.
      It shows in man:
      • The sudden awareness of the body during adolescence.
      • The increased sporting activity up to the end of the studies.
      • The drop on entering professional life.
        It is important to succeed in the working world, you often move away from your region.
        Even if you do not carry out your studies near your parents' home, university life is favourable to sporting activities.
      • Even less time is available for sport when you start to build a family.
      • The most critical age bracket for sport is between 30 and 45.
        Professional responsibilities are increasing, with competition which leaves no space for errors.
      • Bringing up the children leaves little time for personal leisure, even if with the best will in the world you try to go out jogging on Sunday mornings.
        You lose courage when you think about what you used to be able to do and what you can do now.

      Remarks: There is one aspect that the hard line of the curve does not take into account, the awareness that comes when you reach 45/50. Although characteristic, it is not sufficiently pronounced to appear on the graph.

      These statistics, based on 3 years observation and concerning 532 280 individuals, correlate the polls of the forum on the subject which only concerned 66 individuals over a period of just 4 months!

      These observations also agree with the results of surveys carried out by students on the clientele of keep fit clubs.

      This last point is important. One might think that young people surf on the Internet more easily than the over-45s. This was probably true a few years ago, but it is now becoming less and less the case.
      The over-35s use game consoles as frequently as the under-25s!

      The Internet is simply confirming human behaviour
      on a very large scale.
    AT 15 YEARS OLD ...

    You start bodybuilding to:
    • Become a man.
    • Seduce the girls.
    AT 45 YEARS OLD ...

    You take up bodybuilding again to:
    • Regain your youth.
    • Regain your health to: . .
      seduce the same girls.