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    Why train the legs?
    Several of you just starting bodybuilding want biceps and abdos,
    ha! and also, I nearly forgot!

    I can quite understand that the objective for many of you (mine as well, not so long ago) is to build up muscular mass!
    Become muscly!

    So that it shows under your shirt!

    Unfortunately, the muscles which can put on the most muscular mass are…

    the leg muscles.

    You will never gain more than 1 kilo of muscles
    in the biceps or triceps.

      Concerning this subject, I have a true story which illustrates the importance of working the legs!
    I would like to point out that I knew someone like this myself.
    It is therefore not an exception.

    At the start of 2002, I enrolled in a new gym.
    Right from the first sessions, I noticed a really well-built man.
    Straight away, you could tell he had been bodybuilding for years.
    About my height, he also seemed to be about the same weight as me (in fact, I though he was about 4 or 5 kilos heavier).

    We got to know each other and started to train together whenever possible.
    After a few weeks, I went into the gym, he was weighing himself. I went over, glanced at the scale and was surprised to see he was nearly 8 kilos lighter than me!

    I immediately asked him why he was so light?
    He seemed heavier than me in gym gear.
    Then I realised that he always trained with tracksuit bottoms…
    the poor guy had never any done any leg exercises.

    His body was totally out of proportion. His thighs looked like sticks!

    I finally persuaded him to develop his thighs and calves.
    Today, he is much better.

    This just goes to show that it is essential to work the legs.
    I know, it is painful, difficult, sometimes boring and the results are not as spectacular as with the arms or the pectorals.

    However, when you go to the gym, you do not go for the others or to be sociable.

    You go there to push back your limits, to suffer, beat your opponent
    - and your opponent is you!

    I strongly recommend beginners not to exert themselves in this way.
    To do it without any risks takes years of practice.
    This does not stop you from training seriously and efficiently.
    Amateur bodybuilders like ourselves push our bodies to the limit, till our muscles can do no more, series after series, session after session, month after month.

    We were born for this, it is our destiny, to suffer, again and again, without respite…

    Whatever size or strength you reach, believe me, you will always want more, once again you will want to push back your limits!

    The feeling of exceeding your limits and personal satisfaction which you get when you can lift 2 kilos more than you could before, this feeling will become your sole ambition, you will only live to win, destroy, to sweat blood!

    Then one day, you will go in the gym and people will be looking at you.
    They will think you are mad, a masochist to punish your body like that.
    But this will not be the case, you will simply be killing yourself doing the squat, to the point of vomiting! (I am speaking from personal experience.)
    Your thighs will be on fire, the bar will be hurting your neck so much it will be red.

    Never mind the pain, you will continue,
    because your thighs are your
    strongest muscular group,
    you like to feel strong,
    you are a bodybuilder,
    a hardcore bodybuilder!

    You might think this paragraph is rather extreme, but remember that working the legs is the most intense exercise of all!

    You want to become a hardcore bodybuilder, reach the level where people in the gym watch you doing your series, the level where beginners admire you, come to ask you for advice and want to train with you.
    If you really want to get there, the legs are the first obstacle to be overcome.
    The biceps and pectorals are only secondary, less painful to work, easier, more motivating to do, you will always work them.
    If you manage to work your legs as often as the rest of your body, however, you will cross one important step in your personal development: Self-discipline!

    I had said that I would include in each article a programme which I had tried personally. This was not a lie. Here is the very first programme I did, quite some time ago now…

    Programme 1