
    and DIETETICS.
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Constraints and advantages.

The usual nutritional recommendations made to athletes also apply in this case (refer to article "Diet during competition ") with a few slight adaptations, however.
We all know that high altitude increases the number of red blood cells.
This increase allows the blood to carry more oxygen (since red blood cells carry oxygen in association with haemoglobin).

Since there are more red blood cells, athletes at high altitude need more iron and proteins.

Since hydric losses are greater at altitude, you need to drink more water before, during and after the effort.
It may be safer to prepare a precise and adapted (written) hydric plan that you can refer to; when you start feeling thirsty, a significant degree of cellular dehydration has already occurred.

When doing sport at high altitude, it is important to privilege meat, fish and dairy products so that proteins represent a maximum of 1.8 to 2 g per kg of body weight per day.
Iron-rich foods will be privileged and consumed as often as possible; for example red meat, black pudding, liver, dry vegetables (especially lentils), soya, wheat germ, chocolate, oleaginous fruits, wholemeal bread, etc.
Through a careful choice designed to increase the nutritional density of the ration (thanks to iron-rich foods), athletes increase their iron intake without increasing their energy intake.
Also, some foods activate the assimilation of iron in the body and they must be consumed as often as possible; e.g. lemons (vitamin C in general) and parsley which improves the flavour of various dishes.

Other foods inhibit the assimilation of iron and should therefore be avoided, for example sorrel, beetroot and spinach.

Caution! Iron supplementation, if necessary, must be prescribed by a doctor.