The number of products available on the market is increasing year after year. You can buy your own equipment from sports stores or go to sports club for more sophisticated apparatus.
An instructor is often required permanently in the club's cardio-training area to program them. With such a wide range, bicycle, run trainer, stepper, elliptical stepper; elliptical bicycle, walker, health rider, as well as the traditional rowing machine, it is hard to choose. Can we expect to obtain good results with this deployment of technology? If you hope to develop your muscles with one of these machines, you are very naive. Obviously, if you are starting from scratch, you will feel the result of your muscular initiation, in other words you will ache. If you want to "develop" the abdos, however, do not count on any of them. For example, none of the movements on the rowing machine and the bicycle works this muscular group. To firm up the buttocks, keep pedalling and keep hoping. Not to mention the chest or the shoulders, it is an absolute illusion. I have perhaps a slight preference for the heath rider as regards the buttocks and the back.
Running, cycling, hiking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, swimming, in other words a wide range of activities in the open air. Are these activities more efficient?
From the purely muscular point of view, the results will be as poor as before.
Each one providing its own
either for the lower limbs: mountaineering, cross-country skiing; or for the upper limbs: swimming, canoeing.
If you can, get out of the house, go outside! You can find better things to do than breathing the confined or air-conditioned air of a gym at 6.30 p.m. Nature brings other advantages.
The sporting activity brings other things than just muscular exercise or breathing or cardiac benefits. Do not forget the mind. In my opinion, a gym or the home is not the ideal place to make you feel good in your head.
However, better move than do nothing. It all depends on your lifestyle. The bottom line is: do the best you can with what you have.
On reading this, you might think that I am against this type of activity. This is not the case, since I practise it every day.
The main priority is to keep in good health. Health is not how big your biceps are, but the condition of your heart, your blood pressure, your heart rate, your level of cholesterol, etc. Heath is in the condition of your lungs, in the layer of fat around your waist, in your ability to adapt to the external environment.
This is what cardio-training is about. ... and much more. |